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The Gate

The idea of a gate between our universe and another one is a fascinating concept rooted in the theories of multiverses and quantum mechanics. While it remains purely speculative, some physicists theorize that if parallel universes exist, they may be…
2 Minutes To Dawn

There was a movie back in 2005 called The Island about two people who lived in a highly controlled environment where every aspect of their lives was dictated, including what they ate, the jobs they performed, and even the strict…
In Love (again)

This song is about a couple that’s been in a relatioship for a long time and has fallen into a complacent routine. The singer longs to feel “in love” again…not just committed, but emotionally in love, like they used to…

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of OrionI watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.All those moments will be lost in timeLike tears in rain” Roy Batty (Bladerunner – 1982)

It’s always comforting to know that, no matter what challenges you face, there is not only a safety net to catch you but also a “soft” place to land.