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Fly Away

Ever feel like you just can’t catch a break? A really good friend of mine has been in this loop for a long time…I am sure a break is welcomed!
Only You

It seems that for almost every situation in life, there are well-worn phrases (anodynes) people rely on when they don’t know what else to say. Unfortunately, due to their constant overuse, these expressions often lose their sincerity. This song highlights…
Dream Of You

It’s always wonderful to have a beautiful dream, especially when it features someone special. Yet, no dream, no matter how vivid, can truly capture the incomparable joy of actually BEING with that person. (or puppy)
Better Days

It’s incredible how easily we can grow complacent with the world around us. In an age of social media and instant gratification at every turn, it’s easy to overlook the abundance of blessings we experience each day. Whenever I catch…
Not Enough Time

Sometimes, you just gotta bounce! This is a lengthy song old folks may not appreciate as much. LOL