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I Will Be There

Sometimes you just gotta purge your system and run it through some good ol’ Southern Gospel hollerin’ to clean it out from all the junk we are exposed to all day. 🙂

My Love Song

What’s interesting about this song is that I originally wrote it as a very somber piece. I then took the exact same lyrics and transformed the music into something more upbeat and lively. I (obviously) ended up preferring the peppy version! But if you’re curious, feel free to listen to the song at half speed to get a sense of the original, more melancholic version.


“I fondly remember attending summer camp with various organizations during my youth. When the camp sessions came to an end, it was always hard to say goodbye to the new friends I had made, knowing that I wouldn’t see them again until the following year—if even then. This song captures the essence of saying ‘Goodbye.'”

Don’t Ignore Me

I actually came up with this song from a dream I had. I was driving in my car when some random guy pulled out right in front of me. I shouted out my window, ‘Hey! Do you think you’re the only one driving out here? Don’t ignore me!’ Of course, it was just a dream because I would never actually yell that in real life… I’d probably end up getting shot! Anyway, the whole experience sparked the idea for a song about someone who tries to pull the wool over their partner’s eyes, only to get caught!


Sometimes, relationships encounter difficult moments where communication falters. Assumed expectations—often unspoken—can easily give rise to conflict. One person may feel an intense pull, almost like a gravitational force, compelling them toward the other. In such cases, it becomes necessary for the person to break free from this powerful attraction to regain their sense of independence and clarity.