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Funky Fish

Sometimes when I’m writing a song, I’ll stumble upon a rhythm I really like and start jotting down random syllable words to capture that groove. In this particular case, I went back to review those words, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how utterly random they were. It was amusing to see what came out! I did, however, sneak in a little nod to Jaws for fun. 🙂

Is It Just Me

This song is entirely inspired by a situation I faced while dating a girl who unexpectedly decided we should see other people. While I was away attending a funeral, she started dating someone else. When I returned, she was far from forthcoming about what had happened. Eventually, I found out from friends that she had gone out with this total loser.

Interestingly, I wasn’t as upset as I might have expected. The writing was on the wall, and deep down, I realized she wasn’t worth my effort. At first, I cared way too much about our breakup, but with time, I came to appreciate how everything unfolded. In the end, I was grateful for how things turned out.

Funkay Dance

The first time I visited a charismatic church, I experienced a delightful culture shock! The atmosphere was electric, with a fantastic band playing, and people dancing and celebrating joyfully all around. In stark contrast to my Baptist roots, where somber, funeral-like music played as we entered the church, followed by singing only the first, second, and fourth verses of hymns with the choir, this was a breath of fresh air.

The vibrant energy and enthusiastic expressions of faith were refreshing, reminding me that worship can take many forms. It opened my eyes to the beauty of diverse worship experiences.

Be Still

Psalm 46:10
“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

This song is a heartfelt plea for God’s presence during the vulnerable moments of our lives. It’s easy to feel like a failure or to be embarrassed by some of the decisions we make. In those times, sometimes the best course of action is simply to be still and refrain from trying to “do” anything. After all, God is ultimately in charge, and our focus should be on exalting Him in every circumstance and in every way.

To stay connected with God, we need to communicate with Him through prayer and remain grounded in His word. By doing so, His teachings will reside in our hearts always, guiding us through life’s ups and downs.