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This was a song i started writing about a year ago and I am finally getting around to finishing it.

With You

A long time ago a man taught me about “Picking Your Battles” sometimes in a relationship ‘winning’ isn’t always a good idea. I had some neighbors a long time ago I heard through my apartment floor (ha) that had one of these moments, and the poor guy “chose poorly”.

Don’t Go

Originally I was going to make this a slow alternative rock song, but then I accidentally made it kind of Latino pop. I hope you like it too.

Day By Day

Love is a powerful emotion. It has the ability to carry us through the toughest of times, but it can also lead us to make decisions that, though obvious to everyone else, remain blind spots to us. For women in abusive relationships, love can sometimes create a trap—where they find themselves stuck, holding on to a bond with a man who may be taking advantage of their trust and affection.

Fly Away

Ever feel like you just can’t catch a break? A really good friend of mine has been in this loop for a long time…I am sure a break is welcomed!